After a solar panel cleaning, studies have shown a significant difference in the effectiveness of solar panels.

Solar panels are delicate and expensive, so they require special care when cleaned.

  • No harsh chemicals

  • Purified deionized filtered water

  • C1000 SolaTech brush allows us to safely reach any panel


Our goal is to take the guesswork out of searching for the right service company for you. We know you are looking for certain qualities in a solar panel cleaning company before you hire them—things like reliability, satisfaction, and a guarantee. For nearly 20 years, our mission has been to offer just that, offering unparalleled service backed by professionalism reminiscent of the good old days. But everyone says that, right?

At Visibly Clean Window Cleaning, we mean it! Our company from Sonora, CA, is home to a team of professional and friendly employees who are able to work around your schedule and are respectful of your privacy.


The tools and equipment we have in our arsenal have set the standard for professional solar panel cleaning. Our process is simple yet the most efficient! By using purified water, without the use of chemicals and without detergents, the end result is perfection.


What Is Solar Panel Cleaning: a quick definition?

When sunlight hits solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, they convert the sun’s energy into clean solar electricity for homes, businesses, and communities. More sunshine means more electricity, which is why solar power is often associated with sunny climates like California’s.

However, this is only part of the equation.

The goal is to optimize the amount of sunshine reaching the solar panels. Professional installers factor this in when positioning and orienting PV modules. But maximizing sun capture also requires keeping the panels free of dust, leaves, snow, and other debris. Your solar panels may require regular cleaning, so they produce as much clean energy as possible. Doing so decreases your reliance on expensive grid electricity, allowing you to save more money and generate fewer greenhouse gases.




Snow Removal